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These are some useful sources and patches. All stuff is GPL !

Program Description Download Size
BGS qmail patch bundle version 0.1c A collection of patches for qmail 1.03. Mostly related to security. (For example tarpitting, queue DoS defence, POP3 DELE restriction, etc.) bgs_qmail_bundle_0.1c.patch 17325
BGS qmail patch bundle version 0.1d A collection of patches for qmail 1.03. Mostly related to security. (For example tarpitting, queue DoS defence, POP3 DELE restriction, etc.) bgs_qmail_bundle_0.1d.patch 31101
nullproxy version 0.1 A simple pseudo proxy, that will return an 503 error and az error page notifying the user about the cause the real proxy isn't up. nullproxy-0.1.tbz2 2686
ubridge A simple userspace bridging program for two interfaces. ubridge.c 3966